Finding Shortest Path for Road Network
Using Dijkstra�s Algorithm
Md. Almash Alam
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering
& Technology, Natore, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]
Md. Omar Faruq
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering
& Technology, Natore, Bangladesh
E-mail: [email protected]
Roads play a Major role to the
people live in various states, cities, town and villages, from each and every
day they travel to work, to schools, to business meetings, and to transport
their goods. Even in this modern era whole world used roads, remain one of the
most useful mediums used most frequently for transportation and travel. The
manipulation of shortest paths between various locations appears to be a major
problem in the road networks. The large range of applications and product was
introduced to solve or overcome the difficulties by developing different
shortest path algorithms. Even now the problem still exists to find the
shortest path for road networks. Shortest Path problems are inevitable in road
network applications such as city emergency handling and drive guiding system.
Basic concepts of network analysis in connection with traffic issues are
explored. The traffic condition among a city changes from time to time and
there are usually huge amounts of requests occur, it needs to find the solution
quickly. The above problems can be rectified through shortest paths by using
the Dijkstra�s Algorithm. The main objective is the
low cost of the implementation. The shortest path problem is to find a path
between two vertices (nodes) on a given graph, such that the sum of the weights
on its constituent edges is minimized. This problem has been intensively
investigated over years, due to its extensive applications in graph theory,
artificial intelligence, computer network and the design of transportation
systems. The classic Dijkstra�s algorithm was
designed to solve the single source shortest path problem for a static graph.
It works starting from the source node and calculating the shortest path on the
whole network. Noting that an upper bound of the distance between two nodes can
be evaluated in advance on the given transportation network.
Keywords: Shortest Path; Dijkstra�s Algorithm; Breadth
First Search; Maximum Number of Nodes.������������������������������������������������
1. Introduction
This paper involved in illustrating the best way to
travel between two points and in doing so, the shortest path algorithm was
created. Dijkstra�s Algorithm is a graph search
algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with
nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest path tree. This algorithm is
often used in routing and other network related protocols. For a given source
vertex (node) in the graph, the algorithm finds the S finding costs of shortest
paths from a single vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the
algorithm once the shortest� path to the
destination vertex has been determined. For example, if the vertices of the
graph represent cities and edge path costs represent driving distances between
pairs of cities connected by a direct road, Dijkstra's
algorithm can be used to find the shortest route between one city and all other
A large amount of
work has been done on finding shortest paths through abstract. Dijkstra�s algorithm is a Shortest Path Finding Algorithm
which is applicable on a Graph which is Directed and got the Edges weighted
with non-negative weights. If we have an undirected graph with edges unweighted, we can solve the problem with the
implementation of Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm. As we know we are
unable to use BFS algorithm in case of a weighted and directed graph, but we
can modify our algorithm of BFS in such a way that we can handle the above
stated issues (weights and direction). We will later know that Dijkstra�s algorithm is asymptotically the fastest known
single-source shortest-path algorithm for arbitrary directed graphs with
unbounded nonnegative weights. These are the motivations those will help us to
know about the Dijkstra�s algorithm more in future.
2. Related Works
The indoor navigational assistance for this type of
users presents additional challenges not faced by convention alguidance systems, due to the personal nature of the
interactions. The algorithms are part of an overall Indoor Navigation Model that
is used to provide assistance and guidance in unfamiliar indoor environments.
Path planning guses the Dijkstra's
shortest path algorithms, to operate on an "Intelligent Map", that is
based on a new data structure termed "cactus tree" which is
predicated on the relationships between the different objects that represent an
indoor environment. This research explores the potential to design an
application for the visually impaired even when to- date' positioning and
tracking' system cannot offer reliable position information that highly
required by this type of application. The best-path problem for public
transportation systems, we found that the nature of transfer is that it
requires extra costs from an edge to its adjacent edge. So,we use the direct/indirect adjacent edges weighted
directed graph as a public transportation data model and improve the storage of
an adjacency matrix. We introduce the spaces to rage structure in order to
store the scattered information of transfer in indirect adjacent edges lists.
Thus, we solve the problem of complex network graphs' storage and design a new
shortest path algorithm to solve transit problem based on the data model.
Algorithm analysis exhibits that the data model and the algorithm we propose
are prior to a simple graph based on the Dijkstra's
algorithm in terms of time and space.
Today, the increased traffic and complex modern road network have made finding
a good route from one location to another a non-trivial task. Many search
algorithms have been proposed to solve the problem, and the most well-known
being Dijkstra's algorithm, Johnson's algorithm.
While these algorithms are effective for path finding, they are wasteful in
terms of computation. In this paper, we present a study to examine both
uninformed search and heuristic search based on some major cities and towns.
Efficient usage of routing algorithms can significantly reduce travelling
distance and transportation costs as well. Usage of the shortest-path algorithm
in this case Dijkstra's algorithm for inner transportation
optimization in warehouses. The model integrates data such as: 2D graph of
warehouse layout, its 3D extension, historical data, ABC
analysis and business process model. The prototype of proposed application is
tested with sample data and by simulating different working conditions.
3. Graph Theory
A graph G is a collection of two sets V & Ewhere V is the collection of vertices
v0,v1,................Vn-1 also called nodes and E is thecollection
of edges e1, e2,...............en where anedge is an
area which connects two nodes. This can be represented as � G=(V,E)
V(G)=(v0,v1, set of vertices
set of edges
4. Overview of Shortest
Path Algorithm
There are several cases in graph where we have a need
to know the shortest path from one node to another node. General electric
supply system and water distribution system also follow this approach. The best
example we can take is of a railway track system. Suppose one person wants to
go from one station to another then he needs to know the shortest path from one
station to another here station to another. Here station represents the node
and tracks represent edges. In computers, it is very useful in network for
routing concepts. There can be several paths for going from one to another
node. But the shortest path is that path in which the sum of weights o the
included edges is the minimum.
4.1 Dijkstra�s Algorithm
Let the node at which we are starting be called the
initial node. Dijkstra's algorithm will assign some
initial distance values and will try to improve them step by step. For the
first iteration, the current intersection will be the starting point and the
distance to it will be zero. For subsequent iterations (after the first), the
current intersection will be the closest unvisited intersection to the starting
point�this will be easy to find.From the current
intersection, update the distance to every unvisited intersection that is
directly connected to it. This is done by determining the sum of the distance
between an unvisited intersection and the value of the current inters section
and relabeling the unvisited intersection with this value if it is less than
its current value. In effect, the intersection is relabelled
if the path to it through the current intersection is shorter than the
previously known paths. To facilitate shortest path identification, in pencil,
mark the road with an arrow pointing to the relabeled intersection if you
label/relabel it, and erase all others pointing to
it. After you have updated the distances to each neighbouring
intersection, mark the current intersection as visited and select the unvisited intersection with lowest distance
(from the starting point) � or the lowest label�as the current intersection.
Nodes marked as visited are labelled with the
shortest path from the starting point to it and will not be revisited or
returned to.
4.2 Algorithm
// direction line between p1 and p2 dx = node[p2].x-node[p1].x; dy =
// distance between p1 and p2
l = (float)(Math.sqrt((float)(dx*dx
+ dy*dy))); dir_x[p1][p2]=dx/l; dir_y[p1][p2]=dy/l;
// calculate the start and endpoints of the arrow,
// adjust startpoints if
there also is an arrow from p2 to p1 if (weight[p2][p1]>0) { startp[p1][p2] = new Point((int)(node[p1].x-5*dir_y[p1][p2]),
endp[p1][p2] = new
else {
startp[p1][p2] = new
Point(node[p1].x, node[p1].y); endp[p1][p2] = new
Point(node[p2].x, node[p2].y);
// range for arrowhead is not all the way to the
start/endpoints intdiff_x = (int)(Math.abs(20*dir_x[p1][p2]));
intdiff_y = (int)(Math.abs(20*dir_y[p1][p2]));
// calculate new x-position arrowhead if
(startp[p1][p2].x>endp[p1][p2].x) {
arrow[p1][p2] = new Point(endp[p1][p2].x + diff_x + (Math.abs(endp[p1][p2].x-startp[p1][p2].x)
- 2*diff_x )* (100-w)/100 ,0);
else {
arrow[p1][p2] = new Point(startp[p1][p2].x
+ diff_x + (Math.abs(endp[p1][p2].x-startp[p1][p2].x)
- 2*diff_x )*
w/100, 0);
// calculate new y-position arrowhead if (startp[p1][p2].y>endp[p1][p2].y) {
+ diff_y + (Math.abs(endp[p1][p2].y-startp[p1][p2].y)
- 2*diff_y )* (100-w)/100;
else {
+ diff_y + (Math.abs(endp[p1][p2].y-startp[p1][p2].y)
- 2*diff_y )* w/100;
5. Experimental Results
In this section, we conduct an experiment to compare
the paths between the nodes. In that paths, the shortest path was done by using
dijkstra�s algorithm. Here the shortest path it means
low cost was found by the shortest path algorithm. Here java code uses the
applets so that applet viewer shows how the shortest path was done. With the
use of java software the result was shown in the report. We have got successful
result. The experiment was successfully complete. The result
of this project finding the shortest path for a single source to all pairs of
vertices by using the Dijkstra�s Algorithm. It
gives the cheapest cost and its implementation is easy.
5.1 Initial
Algorithm running: Red arrows point to nodes reachable
from the start node.
The distance to: b=55, d=50, f=100. Node d has the
minimum distance. There is no other arrows coming in to d.
Node d will be colored orange to indicate 50 is the length of the shortest path
to d.
5.2 Final
Orange arrows point to nodes reachable from nodes that
already have a final distance. The distance to: c=68.There are no other arrows
coming in to c.
Node c will be colored orange to indicate 68 is the
length of the shortest path to c. Algorithm has finished, follow orange arrows
from start node to any node to get the shortest path to the node.
6. Conclusion
We have proposed a practical algorithm for the
shortest path problem in transportation networks. The proposed algorithm can
limit the search in a sub-graph based on the given nodes of the distance
between the two nodes. As a B result, the calculation for the shortest path has
been simplified. Experimental results on a real-world road network reflect the
potential characteristic of the proposed algorithm in comparison to the
existing works. B Applets can prove to be very helpful to all the students, in
general. Every student who wishes to learn one of the algorithms, implemented
in this tool, may use the proposed applet from any remote place, probably his
home. It doesn�t matter what his system is. It only requires that the Java
Virtual Machine, (JVM), is installed into his system. It should be pointed out
that JVM is freely available for download from Sun Microsystems. Moreover there
is an intention to enhance the graph editor, in order that the user would be
able to draw undirected graphs, or networks, as well. Yet this applet could be
further enriched, and possibly visualize more algorithms for digraphs. Directed networks such as the Primal Simplex Algorithm which solves
the Minimum Cost Network Flow Problem (MCNFP). Besides more algorithms
will be added for undirected graphs such as the Kruskal�s
and Prim�s algorithms which solve the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) problem.
Future Work
In future release the applet will be modified, in
order to be executed as standalone Java application as well. In addition,
certain questionnaires will be given to the students of our department to be
filled in, in order to get feedback. This is very important, to improve and
evaluate the teaching effectiveness of our applet in real instruction
environment. Students will also be encouraged to construct their own applets.
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