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Suleiman Said Al Hinai


The aim of this study is to identify the critical success factors on the delays of road constructions in the GCC countries and their effects on project delivery in Arab countries. Towards the achievement of the objectives the study used the empirical literature from all relevant online sources and data based as many as possible. The findings of this study have summarized and shortlisted the success factors in the two categories such as internal and external factors have caused to be influenced to delay of road construction in the Arab regions. However, in the category of internal factors, there are 63 factors shortlisted from seven groups of factors which has revealed to effects on the delay of road constructions especially, the consultant related factors, and the contractor related factors, designed related factors, client-related factors, labor-related factors, material related issues, equipment-related issues respectively. Moreover, external related factors are also considered to summarize especially natural disaster (flood, hurricanes, and cyclone, etc.), conflict, war, global financial crisis, compensation delay to the affected property owner, the price fluctuated, unexpected ground conditions (soil and high-water level), changing of government regulations and laws, delays in obtaining permission from the municipality, loss of time by traffic control and restrictions at the job site, the problem with the inhabitant of community, delays in providing service from utilities (water and electricity’s) and accident during constructions accordingly. The present study also concluded the effects of the above factors which have delay road constructions through increasing of cost and overrun it, taken over time, creating of disputes, going for lawsuits, finally happing of abandon of projects. Thus, the present study has given the following recommendations to overcome of above problems by increasing detailed site investigations, ensure careful monitoring and regular meetings, effective site management, collaborative working, and effective coordination’s, proper and comprehensive planning and scheduling, and ensure full and intensive commitment from all parties accordingly.



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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

Author Biographies

Suleiman Said Al Hinai, US

PhD Student, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Selangor, Malaysia 

Abul Bashar Bhuiyan, US

Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Selangor, Malaysia 

Setyawan Widyarto, US

Associate Professor and Dean, Centre for Graduate Studies, University of Selangor, Malaysia

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