Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research
Journal Full Title: American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research; Journal Abbreviation: Am. I. J. of Mul. Sci. Re.; Journal ISSN (Print): 2638-1249; Journal ISSN (Online): 2638-1273; DOI Prefix: 10.46281/aijmsr; Journal Frequency: Continuous Publication (1 volume and 3 issues yearly since 2023); Article Acceptance Percentage: 26%; Publication Ethical Guide: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)’s; Peer-Review Policy: Double-Blind (External) Copyright and Licensing: The Author(s); Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 - International License; Publication Policy: Open-Access Journal; Authors' Geographical Diversity: International; Editorial Members' Geographical Diversity: International; Publish Mode: Publish-as-you-go; Model: Open Access (OA); Editors: Dr. Sharif Mazumder
Citation Analysis: Scopus | Web of Science | Google Scholar
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Aims & Scope
American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research (AIJMSR) aims to serve as a dynamic platform for scholars and researchers from diverse academic backgrounds to disseminate innovative findings and foster interdisciplinary collaboration. This journal is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge by publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research articles that span multiple disciplines, including but not limited to science, technology, engineering, mathematics, social sciences, and humanities. AIJMSR promotes a holistic approach to problem-solving and knowledge dissemination, encouraging researchers to bridge gaps between various fields and explore the interconnectedness of different disciplines. Ultimately, the journal strives to advance science and society by facilitating the exchange of ideas, theories, and methodologies across a wide spectrum of academic domains.
Key Topics:
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agronomy
- Allergy
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anatomy
- Anesthesiology
- Astronomy
- Atmospheric Sciences
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Automation
- Automobile Engineering
- Business and Social Science
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biological & Biosystem Engineering
- Biophysics,
- Biotechnology
- Botany, Cardiology
- Cell Biology
- Ceramic Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Reaction Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Collaborative Engineering
- Communication Engineering
- Complexity in Applied Science and Engineering
- Computational Biology
- Computational Science and Engineering,
- Computer-Aided Engineering and Technology
- Computer Applications in Technology
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science Engineering
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning
- Control Theory Engineering
- Critical Care
- Data Mining and Bioinformatics Engineering
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Design Engineering
- Developmental Biology
- Ecology
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronic and Electrical Engineering
- Embedded Systems
- Emergency Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Energy
- Engineering Management and Economics
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Engineering
- Epidemiology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Forensic Engineering
- Gastroenterology
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Geology
- Geophysics
- Geriatrics
- Hematology
- Hepatology
- High Energy Physics
- Immunology
- Industrial Engineering
- Infectious Diseases
- Information Systems and Management
- Information Technology
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Instrumentation Engineering
- Intelligent Engineering Informatics
- Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
- Manufacturing Engineering, Marine Biology
- Marine Engineering
- Materials Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Meteorology
- Microbiology
- Microengineering
- Mining Engineering
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Imaging
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neuroscience
- Nuclear Engineering
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Oceanography
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Optics
- Organic Chemistry
- Orthopedics
- Otolaryngology
- Parasitology
- Pathology
- Pediatrics
- Petroleum Engineering
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacology
- Physical Chemistry
- Physiology
- Process Systems Engineering
- Production Engineering
- Psychiatry
- Public Health
- Pulmonology
- Radiology
- Rehabilitation
- Remote Monitoring
- Rheumatology
- Sensor Network
- Soft-computing and Engineering Education
- Software Engineering
- Soil Science
- Strategic Engineering Asset Management
- Structural Biology
- Structural Engineering
- Surgery
- Textile Engineering
- Tissue Engineering
- Toxicology
- Transportation Engineering
- Urology
- Vascular Medicine
- Veterinary Science
- Virology
- Zoology and all the disciplines.
Scopus Subject Area – Multidisciplinary. Subject Category – Multidisciplinary (1000).