Evaluating Loan Loss Provisioning for Non-Performing Loans and Its Impact on the Profitability of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh
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Through the collection and disbursement of money, banks often face the risk of default of the loan. These Non-Performing loans (NPLs) should be identified and cared for avoiding vulnerability to other risk. Banks may mitigate this risk using loan loss provisioning (LLP). Using the aggregate data of 56 commercial banks in the last 9 years (2009-2017), this study attempts to evaluate the Impacts of LLP maintained for NPLs on profitability, as it may help to take the level of the LLP, and NPLs in the optimum level of business success. The dependent variables used in this study are Non-Interest Income to Total Assets and Net-Interest Income to Total Assets as a representative of the profitability of a bank. The dependent variables are analyzed using Least Square Multiple Regression on three independent variables, which were Gross NPL to Total Loans Outstanding, Loan Loss Provision Maintained, and Surplus/ (Shortfall) resulted from the required loan provisioning. The result showed that the profitability is very significantly influenced by the independent variables. NPLs and LLPs maintained by the commercial banks negatively related with the profitability of the business, especially LLPs shown statistical significance to impact on profitability negatively. it is better to take the LLPs and NPLs in the minimum level for maximum profitability of banks.
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