Embezzlement and Reckless Spending: A Bottleneck for Local Governments’ Revitalization and Sustainable Development in Nigeria

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Shafi’u Abubakar Kurfi
Moh’d Lawal Danrimi


Nigeria operates a federal system of government and power is allocated to federal, state and local governments. A collaborative effort was encouraged to promote socio-economic development. Unfortunately, lack of diversification of the economy and over concentration on crude oil, it now operates a monolithic economy. Federal government on monthly basis share the proceed to the three levels of government but ironically, nothing significant is shown for the huge allocations due to uncontrollable embezzlement and reckless spending by public servants more specifically local authorities due to the extreme closeness to citizenry. Documentary data were obtained from published books, reputable journals, government publications, magazines, newspaper publications, internet sources and personal observations in carrying out this study. The paper observed that embezzlement and reckless spending is on the increase in some Nigerian local governments and is manifested through the state joint local government account, embezzlements and reckless spending by local chairmen, fake projects, collusion in the transaction of government businesses, ghost workers, denial of statutory functions. The paper concludes that local government is at the verge of total collapse if adequate measures were not taken to savage the situation. The paper recommends that states joint accounts should be scrap for local governments have a sustainable development.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

How to Cite

Kurfi, S. A., & Danrimi, M. L. (2020). Embezzlement and Reckless Spending: A Bottleneck for Local Governments’ Revitalization and Sustainable Development in Nigeria. Asian Finance & Banking Review, 4(1), 47-53. https://doi.org/10.46281/asfbr.v4i1.628



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