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Roucham Benziane
Sagou Roqiya
Mahmoudi Houcine


This research aims to investigate the Fintech Start-up phenomenon and trends through collecting 124 manuscripts published between 2016 and 2021 in Scopus database, A bibliometric analysis was used with their two main divisions; performance analysis and mapping sciences to find out the most productive and influential studies, journals, authors, in addition, to examine the level of collaboration, various soft programs were adopted such as VosViewer for network visualization and Biblioshiny which is a web application based on R-studio and have required open-source codes that carried out by the authors for citation metrics, The findings have revealed that the most productive journal is Sustainability Switzerland but the most influential is Business Horizon, besides, Leong has the most publications while have the record citations and Muthukannan is the furthermost collaborated, Univ of Sydney is the most active University, However,  result don't comply neither Lotka nor Bradford Law, U.S. has led the production and was reference in the field, new keywords have emerged approximatively to the field  like business model, Ecosystem, Blockchain and Crowdfunding, the study recommends to explore the targeted field in specified time and data bases using another quantitative or qualitative tools with developed softwares.

JEL Classification Codes: E51, M13, C55, C81.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

Author Biographies

Roucham Benziane, Bechar University, Algeria

Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bechar University, Algeria

Sagou Roqiya, Bechar University, Algeria

PhD Student, Faculty of Economics and Management, Bechar University, Algeria; Laboratory LESLOD

Mahmoudi Houcine, African University, Algeria

Professor, Faculty of Administrative Science, AAEI Laboratory, African University, Adrar, Algeria

How to Cite

Benziane, R., Roqiya, S., & Houcine, M. (2022). FINTECH STARTUP: A BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS AND NETWORK VISUALIZATION. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 11(1), 8-23.


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