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Jadallah Jadallah
Amirali Moeini Chaghervand
Michele D. Meckfessel
R. Drew Sellers


The purpose of this paper is to provide an integrated pedagogical approach that professors can use with doctoral students to immerse students in a decision-making process that is critical to a successful research project: variable operationalization.  Using articles from well-regarded journals to evaluate the operationalization choice of the “restatement” variable, the authors assemble a pedagogical approach that includes exercises professors can use with doctoral students.  The setting chosen explores three methods used to operationalize the financial restatement variable in empirical archival accounting literature that students can explore: announcement date, first occurrence, and all occurrences.  Students are first tasked with identifying the elements influencing measurement choice.  Next, students assess whether findings reveal that statistically distinct results arise from each of the three measurement choices evaluated.  Finally, students come to realize that an incorrect measurement choice may subject research findings to reductions in explanatory power, risk of type 1 and type 2 errors, and altered direction (sign) of coefficients.  Achieving clarity in measurement choice and exposition are challenges inherent in accounting scholarship.  This pedagogical approach helps nascent scholars work through these challenges using an actual empirical research setting, i.e., financial restatements.  The insights gained can be applied by doctoral students in their own research efforts.

JEL Classification Codes: M4, C8, C0.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

Author Biographies

Jadallah Jadallah, Saginaw Valley State University, United States of America

Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Accounting, Scott L. Carmona College of Business, Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, Michigan, United States of America

Amirali Moeini Chaghervand

Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Accounting, Marilyn Davies College of Business, University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, Texas, United States of America

Michele D. Meckfessel, University of Missouri-St. Louis, United States of America

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting, College of Business Administration, University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States of America

R. Drew Sellers, Kent State University, United States of America

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Accounting, Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, United States of America

How to Cite

Jadallah, J., Chaghervand, A. M., Meckfessel, M. D., & Sellers, R. D. (2022). MEASUREMENT OPERATIONALIZATION AND WRITTEN CLARITY IN ACCOUNTING RESEARCH: AN INTEGRATED PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH FOR A DOCTORAL RESEARCH SEMINAR. International Journal of Accounting & Finance Review, 11(1), 37-48.


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