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Investors today have access to a wide variety of investment opportunities thanks to the increasingly competitive nature of the market. Mutual funds, out of the many other investment options available, are the one that are best suited for the average person since they provide the ability to invest in a portfolio that is both diversified and managed by professionals at a fee that is relatively modest. A mutual fund is a type of investment instrument that allows investors to pool their capital for the purpose of purchasing a diverse portfolio of securities. The present research study aims to understand the investment behavior of corporate professionals and also to study the various factors which influence the investment behavior of corporate professionals towards mutual funds. The research study is based on the primary data gathered from 175 different respondents through the use of a structured questionnaire. Convenience sampling, a non-probability sampling was used to identify respondents for the research study. Exploratory Factor Analysis, often known as EFA, was used to identify various factors that influence the investment behavior of corporate professionals with regard to mutual fund investments. The present research study stood effective in elucidating seven significant factors that influence the investment behavior of corporate professionals with regard to mutual fund investments.
JEL Classification Codes: E30, E44, E62, D14.
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