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This study aims to understand the factors that encourage the people from rural background to access the banking Services offered under a financial inclusion scheme, with evidences from a developing country, India. Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), scheme launched by Government of India, has an objective of connecting the banking industry with the people residing in the remote areas of the country. The research is aimed to gauge the PMJDY’s accomplishments in terms of fulfilment of its objectives. The research helps in getting a ground level feedback of the financial inclusion schemes’ achievements and issues involved in its successful implementation. This study also explores the perceptions of the individuals regarding the benefits offered by the scheme. A field survey of 2446 respondents was conducted in Purvanchal region of Uttar Pradesh, India. The questionnaire was constructed based on the theoretical model built after an extensive review of literature in the field of financial inclusion. The results from the analysis indicate that the awareness about the scheme and support by authorities are the two major factors that contribute to the successful implementation of a financial inclusion scheme. Overall awareness and availing of banking services under PMJDY scheme has been initiated but not uniformly.
JEL Classification Codes: O10, G20, G21.
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