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Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research

Journal Full Title: International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research; Journal Abbreviation: Int. J. of Is. Bus. & Manag.; Journal ISSN (Print): 2576-4136 Journal ISSN (Online): 2576-4144; DOI Prefix: 10.46281/ijibfr; Journal Frequency: Continuous Publication (1 volume and 1 issue yearly since 2024); Article Acceptance Percentage: 25%; Publication Ethical Guide: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)’s; Peer-Review Policy: Double-Blind (External) Copyright and Licensing: The Author(s)Creative Commons Attribution 4.0-International License; Publication Policy: Open-Access Journal; Authors' Geographical Diversity: International; Editorial Members' Geographical Diversity: International;  Publish Mode: Publish-as-you-go; Business Model: Gold Open Access; Editors: Professor Dr. Chokri Kooli scopus-1.png  Citation Analysis: Scopus | Web of Science |  Google ScholarDimensions

Published: 2024-12-31

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Aims & Scope

International Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance Research (IJIBFR) is a Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Refereed International Journal published by Centre for Research on Islamic Banking & Finance and Business (CRIBFB). The journal aims to publish papers on current issues within Islamic Banking and Islamic Finance. The IJIBFR aims to serve as a leading platform for disseminating scholarly research and knowledge in the field of Islamic banking and finance. This journal is committed to fostering a deeper understanding of the principles and practices that underpin Islamic finance and promoting the growth and sustainability of the Islamic banking industry. It seeks to provide a space for academics, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share their insights, theories, and empirical findings, thereby contributing to the development and evolution of Islamic finance and banking on a global scale. Through rigorous peer-reviewed publications, this journal strives to facilitate informed discussions, innovations, and advancements in Islamic banking and finance research, ultimately promoting financial systems that align with Islamic ethical principles.

Key Topics:

  • Zakat
  • Waqf
  • Sadaqah
  • Hisbah
  • Bayt At-Mal
  • Islamic Insurance
  • Islamic Economics
  • Islamic Banking and Finance Law
  • Theory of Islamic Finance
  • Islamic Financial Instruments
  • Islamic Financial Instruments Development
  • Islamic Banking and Finance Law
  • Performance of Islamic Mutual Funds
  • Fiqh Muamalat in Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Islamic Financial Risk Management
  • Prophet Muhammad (S) On Economic Justice
  • Fiqh Muamalat in Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Operational Risk Management in Islamic Banks
  • Service Quality Measurement in Islamic Banks
  • Accounting for Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Performance and Efficiency of Islamic Banks and Takaful
  • Performance Measurement and Profitability of Islamic Banks
  • Applying AAOIFI Accounting Standards in the Islamic Banking Sector
  • Economic Policy and Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance
  • Islamic Banking techniques and their conformity with the Islamic Law (Shariah)
  • Financing and Lending Practices in the Pre-Islamic and Islamic Periods
  • Islamic Banking & Finance etc.

Subject Area – Economics, Econometrics, and Finance. Subject Category – Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous).

Subject Area – Business, Management, and Accounting. Subject Category – Business, Management, and Accounting (miscellaneous); Marketing.

Subject Area – Social Sciences. Subject Category – Social Sciences (miscellaneous).