Rastin Swap Deposit (RSD): A Financial Account of Rastin Banking
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This paper introduces Rastin Swap Deposit account as a new banking deposit account which is interest-free and is based on Swap Contract in Rastin Banking. In this depositing by opening the deposit, the depositor is entitled to use an interest-free loan to the amount and duration that his resources have been being deposited and then return the money back to the bank. Depositor and bank agree that a combination of money and duration be selected in such a way that the products of amount and duration in both operations of depositing and loaning be the same. From the time of depositing to the first maturity (the date that depositor requests loan), the depositor is lender and bank is borrower; and from the time of the first maturity to second maturity (the date that depositor returns the money back to the bank) depositor is borrower and bank is a lender. Rastin Swap Deposit (RSD) can be issued in both local and foreign currencies.
JEL: E43, E44, E52, E58, E62, E63