Islamic Financing Institutions, Risk Taking, Shariah Supervisor BoardAbstract
The study aims to examine the influences of Shariah Supervisory Board (SSB) characteristics and risk-taking among Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs) in Bangladesh. The study conducts dynamic short panel data regarding the annual report of quoted 14 IFIs in Bangladesh from 2013 to 2018. The study has shown the first and second lag of dependent variables and applied them under the dynamic GMM model in Stata software. Risk-taking is the most prejudicial issue that needs to be justified by findings. The hypothesis result of SSB size is positive and insignificant due to its size. It means SSB is less essential to reducing the risk-taking of IFIs in Bangladesh. The study also finds that the positive result of scholars in SSB is put in the right place that supports reducing excess risk-taking. It could be a valuable source of knowledge for reducing risk-taking on the risk committee.
JEL Classification Codes: G34.
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