Social Changes: An Islamic Sufi Approach
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Change of the society begins with change and transformation of humankind. Human beings change is due to their educations in all respects of social customs, etiquette, organizational skills, and customs of ethical and occupational. Different ideas about the way to change people's opinion return back to human beings' notions. However, some believe that imbalance of forces in various classes of the society is the reason for revolutions and changes in. If a notion is rejected, then its tradition will collapse, and tradition-breaking starts. Because notion connects values to nature of objects and value them, and this credited value is known as a reality for human beings. Transformation starts when those notions that convert customs and habits to tradition, and then to institution start to change. Combination of old and new notions appears a synthesis of notion, and in the next step, the synthesis works as a thesis and reappearance of antithesis ends to revolutions and evolution of the societies. General rules of being are not specific to a particular science. Further, social pressures, evolutions, and revolutions comply with the laws of mechanics. Mechanical laws are highly adaptable to bring the forces and pressures into individual and social changes analysis. As empirical scientist discovered and described the mathematical rules of physical laws to analyze and study the physical and chemical phenomena; it is time to place that psychologists, as well as social scientists, discover the mathematical expressive rules within individual and interpersonal behavioral realms. Islam proposes the most important theory of social changes and evolution toward ethical promotion, and principally, though considers class differences and conflicts regarding the issues of interest, wealth and materialism, but enlightens people that all these affairs are just credited and should not be emphasized more than necessary. Birth of a human being is birth of a thinking force that regarding the average intelligence and norms condition of human society, can solve his problems, and among the born based on the probability distribution functions, some are with very high IQs who can initiate large changes in larger societies. Instead of inhibiting population growth, raise a population reform agenda. Therefore, considers special rules dealing with male-female relationships and marriage.