Article Processing Charge (APC) is a one-time payment required only if a manuscript is accepted for publication following peer review. CRIBFB does not impose submission or review fees.

APC guarantees unrestricted, immediate access to the article on the publisher’s website without the need for registration or an embargo period. It covers the expenses involved in the publication process, such as copy editing, text formatting, creating figures and tables, managing the peer-review process, and ensuring the permanent archiving of articles. Additionally, it includes website administration (file hosting, site maintenance, and support), journal and article promotion (global content sharing, indexing services, etc.), and customer support.

APC for the authors with affiliation in high-income countries  or upper-middle-income countries is 995 $ 

APC for the authors with affiliation in lower-middle-income countries is 895 $ 

APC for the authors with affiliation in low-income countries is 795 $

The executive manager will inform you when you can pay APC and will provide with all instructions (the payment can be made only in case of acceptanсe for publication).