Effective January 1, 2025, the Article Processing Charge (APC) for submissions to BJMSR will be updated to US$ 750. This change applies to all articles submitted on or after this date, based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The current APC (US$ 500) will remain effective for articles submitted by December 31, 2024.

APC are paid by the authors for their articles to be published in open-access under one of Creative Commons licenses. APC covers the costs of the publication process, including peer-review administration, copy editing, hosting the files, etc. APC is different for each journal; the detailed information can be found below:-

This journal charges the following author fees:- 

Online Publication Charge: US$ 500
Hard Copy Charge               : US$ 100 (Per Copy)-Optional
​Shipping Charge                  : US$ 100 ---  DHL (5-7 Business Day)

There is no Article Submission Charge for the Journal.

Note 1: Please note that APCs will not be refunded due to the retraction of an article.

Note 2: In rare cases where articles are removed completely after acceptance for publication, we will not refund or credit an APC.

Payment Method

Payment can be made by Bank transfer/ Western Union/ MoneyGram/ Visa, Master, American Express, or Union Pay Cards. The executive manager will notify Payment instructions after the acceptance of the paper.

For Authors from the United States of America

Bank Name: Regent Bank


Account Number: 111314069766

Routing Number: 103913434

Bank Address: 7136 S. Yale Ave., Suite 100, Tulsa, OK 74136, United States of America

For Authors from Other Countries

Online (Visa/ Master/ American Express/ Union Pay Cards) payment: Payment facilitator for goods and services provided by CRIBFB.