Editorial Board members and reviewers constantly work on increasing the efficiency of manuscripts evaluation and selection of the papers that present extreme importance to the scientific field. In this respect, there are factors that result in a rejection of a significant share of papers submitted for publication. The reasons for rejection can be different. Main reasons are listed in Peer Review and Research Misconduct Policies.

"CRIBFB” emphasizes that in no case place of work or country of residence of the scientist, his racial or religious affiliation can be the reason for rejection.

In this respect, we ask the authors to pay attention to necessity of observing publication ethics principles. Submitted manuscripts should be relevant in content and comply with the aim, tasks and specialization of the journal.

The language of the manuscript should be professional, and the format should comply with the standards given. Weak English and incompliance with the format standards will not obligatorily lead to rejection, but can delay paper acceptance until the author makes the amendments. The acceptance rate for the journal is calculated as a number of manuscripts accepted for publication compared with total number of manuscripts submitted in one year.

This rate demonstrates gradual and steady decrease. By now, it is below 10%.

To have a clear vision about period of consideration and process of review of your paper, authors can always contact the Executive Manager. Period of paper consideration is not fixed and can be changed depending on different factors, but our employees will keep you informed about the status of the publishing process.

On average, it takes 108 days to make a publication decision after receiving the submitted manuscript.

Number of articles published in “Bangladesh Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research ” journal:
