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Quality of life and Professional efficacy of teachers are significant factors that facilitate the entire educational scenario. The excellent quality of life and high level of professional efficacy of teachers can immensely help the sound functioning of the educational system. However, different and numerous variables may impact these two significant factors. Thus, the study investigates these two factors and examines their relationship with demographic variables such as the location of schools and subject streams. Using a descriptive survey method from 300 school teachers, the study employs a stratified random sampling technique with a scale (QOLS) developed by Sarika Sharma and Nakhat Nasreen and a self-made scale (PES). The QOLS was revalidated using an updated sample to identify its applicability in the context of West Bengal. Cronbach's Alpha for the QOL was found to be 0.789, and the results of the Splits-Half (Odd-Even) show 0.678 (p-value 0.00<0.01) positive correlations at the 0.01 level. Cronbach's Alpha reliability for the self-made tool (PES) was 0.938. At the 0.01 level, the PES's Splits-Half produces a result of positive correlations of 0.855 (p-value 0.00<0.01). The result reveals the average level of professional efficacy of teachers. A significant difference between teachers' subject streams and professional efficacy is found. Additionally, the result demonstrates a significant association between location and levels of quality of life and between subject streams and professional efficacy. The study also shows a positive correlation between professional efficacy and subject streams. The study's findings suggest necessary measures for improving teachers' professional efficacy.
JEL Classification Codes: 120, 121, 123.
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