Application of Single-Server Queue System in Performance Analysis of Shuttle Bus Operation: A Case Study of Federal University of Technology Akure
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This study has examined the performance of University transport bus shuttle based on utilization using a Single-server queue system which occur if arrival and service rate is Poisson distributed (single queue) (M/M/1) queue. In the methodology, Single-server queue system was modelled based on Poisson Process with the introduction of Laplace Transform. Also, PASTA was introduced in queuing systems with Poisson arrivals. It is concluded that the performance of University transport bus shuttle is 93 percent which indicates a very good performance such that the supply of shuttle bus in FUTA is capable of meeting the demand. This study can be improved upon by examining the peak and off-peak period of traffic in the two major corridors (North gate and South gate) of FUTA, the economic cost of operating bus shuttle services can also be examined.