Authorship Criteria
Authorship should be reserved for those, and only those, who have made a significant intellectual contribution to the research. Participation solely in the acquisition of funding or general supervision of the research group is not sufficient for authorship. Honorary authorship is not acceptable.
1) Everyone who is listed as an author should have made a substantial direct academic contribution (i.e. intellectual responsibility and substantive work) to at least two of the four main components of a typical scientific project or paper:
a) Conception or design.
b) Data collection and processing.
c) Analysis and interpretation of the data.
d) Writing substantial sections of the paper (e.g. synthesizing findings in the literature review or the findings/results section).
2) Everyone who is listed as an author should have critically reviewed successive drafts of the paper and should approve the final version.
3) Everyone who is listed as an author should be able to defend the paper as a whole (although not necessarily all the technical details).