Female Labour Force, ICT and Growth Nexus in Nigeria

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Emmanuel Okokondem Okon


Growth in the labor force is one of the determinants of a nation’s maximum sustainable, or potential, rate of economic expansion. However, in the period of study in this paper, the relationship between women’s participation in the labor force of Nigeria and economic growth is inverse and insignificant. This is attributed to the level of economic development, social norms, education levels, fertility rates and other factors. From policy perspectives therefore educational opportunities for the girl child should be extended to the nooks and crannies of the country so as to enhance socio-economic family planning techniques and methods to reduce the burden of women in the labour force. In the same vein, employers should be encouraged to give all gender equal opportunity and chance to pursue their potentials especially if they have potentials required for a particular job. However, particular attention should be focused on men by enlightening them on the essence of encouraging their spouses on any career they may choose as long as it does not affected the family in any way.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

How to Cite

Okon, E. O. (2018). Female Labour Force, ICT and Growth Nexus in Nigeria. American Economic & Social Review, 2(1), 33-41. https://doi.org/10.46281/aesr.v2i1.152


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