The Article Processing Charge (APC) is a one-time payment required only if a manuscript is accepted for publication following peer review. There is no Article Submission Charge for the Journal.

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Article Publication Charge: 100 (USD) (VAT Excluded)

Note 1: Please note that APCs will not be refunded due to the retraction of an article.

Note 2: In rare cases where articles are obliterated after acceptance for publication, we will not refund or credit an APC.

Note 3: If the article requires extensive English language editing, we will charge an additional language editing fee, which varies depending on the length of the article.

Note 4: Payment can be made by Western Union/ MoneyGram/ Visa, Master, American Express, or Union Pay Cards. After the paper is accepted, the executive manager will notify the authors of payment instructions.

Note 5: Full waivers, entailing a 100% discount of the APC, meeting one of the following criteria:

  • All authors are students without funding from any entity or institution to support their research.
  • All authors are in the early stages of their careers and have not received funding to support their research from any entity or institution.
  • Unemployed researchers and academics from marginalised groups or communities have not received funding to support their research from any entity or institution.