Evaluation of Salivary pH Changes with Probiotic, Baking Soda and Mineral Water Rinse Among Individuals with Low Caries Experience

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Lubna Farooq
Muhammad Rashid Ahmed
Muhammad Aitmaududdolah Khan
Anum Mahmood
Zara Khan
Samreen Khurram
Mahnoor Farzand


Background: Dental caries is a multifactorial disease; it causes decay in tooth and leads to unbearable pain and expensive dental procedures. One of potential risk factor that favor the caries process is acidic pH that a person faces usually after consumption of any food or drinks. Various mouth rinses are evaluated to normalize the salivary pH to break the chain of caries pathophysiology.

Objective: To evaluate the role of probiotic, baking soda and mineral water rinses on pH of Saliva.

Materials and methods: It were a cross sectional study conducted in institute of Karachi from -10 January to 25 June 2020. Out of 150 participants 60 qualified the inclusion criteria and were explained about the procedure of the study after their agreement they were divided into three groups each group comprised of 20 participants. Group 1 was given probiotic mouth rinse; Group 2 was given baking soda mouth rinse and in Group 3 mineral water rinses were given. They were told to rinse the oral cavity before and after the food consumption and pre and post salivary changes were recorded.

Results: Significant (p-value = 0.001) change in salivary pH was observed with baking soda and mineral water rinses however probiotic mouth rinse did not show significant (p-value = 0.22) change.

Conclusion: Rinsing with Baking soda and mineral water mouth rinses increased the salivary pH to normal.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

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Farooq, L., Ahmed, M. R., Khan, M. A., Mahmood, A., Khan, Z., Khurram, S., & Farzand, M. (2020). Evaluation of Salivary pH Changes with Probiotic, Baking Soda and Mineral Water Rinse Among Individuals with Low Caries Experience. American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 6(2), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.46281/aijmsr.v6i2.594


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