USA Income Distribution Counter-Business-Cyclical Trend (Estimating Lorenz curve using Continuous L1 norm estimation)

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Bijan Bidabad


In this paper, the L1 norm of continuous functions and corresponding continuous estimation of regression parameters are defined. The continuous L1 norm estimation problems of linear one and two parameters models are solved. We proceed to use the functional form and parameters of the probability distribution function of income to exactly determine the L1 norm approximation of the corresponding Lorenz curve of the statistical population under consideration. U.S. economic data used to estimate income distribution. An interesting finding of these calculations is that the distribution of income obeys counter-wise business cycles fluctuations. This finding is a new area for research in the realm of the theory and application of income distribution and business cycles interrelationship.


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Bidabad, B. (2019). USA Income Distribution Counter-Business-Cyclical Trend: (Estimating Lorenz curve using Continuous L1 norm estimation). American Finance & Banking Review, 4(2), 11-26.


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