The Critical Review on the Adoption of ICTs in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Developing Countries

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Nasser Saif Al Busaidi
Abul Bashar Bhuiyan
Norhayah Zulkifli


The Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are considered as the mainstay of the economy, whereas the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is regarded as unitary of the major drivers for SMEs. The function of the ICT is to ensure that as far as the organizations are concerned, their strategy and design, innovation of new products, services, processes, productivity, expansion of market size, improvement of product qualities, enhancement of performance and, development, as well as supporting business competitiveness can be executed accordingly. However, debates about the efficient uses of ICTs by SMEs in developing nations are being discussed and reported widely. Therefore, this study analyzes the critical success factors on the ICTs adoption in the SMEs globally focusing on Oman. Questionnaire survey is conducted among the managers of the SMEs. It is found that the effective adoption of ICTs in the SMEs is caused by a number of success factors including among others limited access to markets and, finance, lack of awareness to global markets, unfriendly business environment, poor management skills and lack of updated technology. complication of the bureaucracy process, as well as lack of training relating to basic business.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

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Busaidi, N. S. A., Bhuiyan, A. B., & Zulkifli, N. (2019). The Critical Review on the Adoption of ICTs in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Developing Countries. International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2(2), 33-40.


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