Effect of Entrepreneurial Networks on Family Business Development: A Conceptual Consideration
Family businesses are generally affected by resource constraints. These resource constraints are occasioned by the vagaries in the business environment. Consequently, budding and established family business entrepreneurs are now resorting to the acquisition and sharing of intangible resources as a strategy for achieving family business development. One type of resource that is increasingly being employed is entrepreneurial networks. In spite of the known supports entrepreneurial networks give to entrepreneurs at the different states of family business development, empirical evidences are still rear. Based on the foregoing, this study undertook a literature review and thereafter proposes that: the effect of family network on family business start-up is significant; the effect of intra-industry network on family business formalization is significant; the effect of professional network on family business professionalization is significant; the effect of extra-industry network on family business diversification is significant; the effect of social network on family business internationalization is significant; and the effect of intra-firm network on family business succession is significant. For family business development to be influenced by entrepreneurial networks, budding entrepreneurs, founder and/or descendant CEOs and employees of family businesses need to be actively involved in network relationships that encourage and facilitates resource acquisition and sharing. Moreover, an empirical study is recommended based on these propositions. This is to validate the propositions and to further add to the family business development and entrepreneurial networks literature.
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