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Pramath Nath Acharya
Suman Kalyan Chaudhury
Venkateswara Rao Bhanotu
Sunil Kumar Pradhan
Susanta Kumar Patro


The efficiency in emerging markets is becoming more important as the trend of investment in these markets is accelerating nowadays. The level of market efficiency influences an investor's investment strategy because of its improper valuation. The improper valuation of securities may lead to abnormal gains for the investor. On the other hand, abnormal gain in a perfectly efficient market is impossible as the share price absorbs all the information available in the public domain. However, efficiency in its finest sense is a distant reality. Many researchers have pointed out different levels of efficiencies, including the presence of calendar anomalies. The purpose of the study is to capture the effect of the day of the week on the stock return and volatility in India. Daily time series data of Sensex and Nifty were collected from the two prominent exchanges of India, i.e.  Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange websites, for a period of four years. After validating stationarity with ADF and Phillip-Perron tests, the study used GARCH, EGARCH and TGARCH models to capture day impacts on stock return and volatility. The study reveals that the Tuesday effect persisted in the Indian stock market during the study period. Moreover, the TGARCH model was found to be the most suitable model for describing volatility behaviour in the Indian stock market. As other days in the week were less significant, the study's findings suggest that the gradual disappearance of day affects the Indian capital market. Another study finding is the significance of the leverage effect, which implies the increased role of bad news over good news while capturing the day-of-the-week effect. Considering the above facts, the present study's findings contribute to a deeper understanding of stock market dynamics and the challenge of the day-of-the-week effect on market efficiency.

JEL Classification Codes: G11, G14.


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Acharya, P. N., Chaudhury, S. K., Bhanotu, V. R., Pradhan, S. K., & Patro, S. K. (2024). DISAPPEARING THE DAY OF THE WEEK EFFECT ON RETURN TO INVESTORS: NOVEL EVIDENCE FROM INDIAN STOCK MARKET. Bangladesh Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 9(4), 16-24. https://doi.org/10.46281/bjmsr.v9i4.2243


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