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Dhruba Lal Pandey
Nischal Risal
Bhupindra Jung Basnet


The working attitude plays a pivotal role in the performance of employees in Nepalese public sector financial institutions because the environment in Nepal is hostile. Thus, the main issue of this article is to evaluate the relationship between work attitude and organizational performance. Work attitude is proxied by organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviour, and job involvement.  This study aimed to explore the relationship between work attitudes and organizational performance. Two thousand two hundred fifty-one officer-level employees of Nepalese public financial institutions were the population. Among them, 310 is the sample size. Officer-level employees are the prominent ones who evaluate the attitude of the employees. Thus, the officer-level employees are considered as the population, and they are selected purposively. Therefore, the purposive sampling strategy is adopted to select the sample. CR, AVE, and MSE are used to test the reliability and validity. Path analysis tests the impact of organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job involvement on organizational performance. The result unveiled that organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job involvement have a positive and significant impact on organizational performance in Nepal's public financial institutions. Modifications in organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and job involvement policies can leverage organizational performance in Nepalese public financial institutions. The study provides insights into the work attitude of public sector financial institutions and helps to frame policy. Similarly, it is a new issue in Nepal and provides insights and new literature in the academic sector of Nepal.

JEL Classification Codes: C12, G20, M00.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

Author Biographies

Dhruba Lal Pandey , Associate Professor, Central Department of Management, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Dr. Dhruba Lal Pandey is an associate professor in the Central Department of Management at Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Dr. Pandey is chairperson of the subject committee of management and a research committee member under the Faculty of Management, Dean’s Office, Tribhuvan University. Dr. Pandey specializes in human resource management. Dr. Pandey has published more than a dozen books from national and international publishers. He has published articles in Scopus, SCImago, ABDC, Web of Sciences, and other ranked national and international journals. Dr. Pandey has been involved in teaching and learning activities for two decades. Dr. Pandey is also a consultant for the Central Bank of Nepal. He has been involved in Springer Nature and other ranked journals as a reviewer. He is also a PhD supervisor under the Faculty of Management, Dean’s Office, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

Nischal Risal , Ph.D. Scholar, Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Nischal Risal is an assistant professor at Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Mr. Risal is a PhD scholar under the Faculty of Management, Dean’s Office, Tribhuvan University. Mr. Risal is currently holding a position of Assistant Campus Chief of Nepal Commerce Campus. He has been involved in teaching and learning activities for 15 years. His expertise is in financial management, cooperative management, investment analysis, microfinance, e-governance, and insurance and risk management. He has published more than 80 books and articles in ranked journals listed in Scopus, SCImago, ABDC, Web of Sciences, and other ranked publishers.

Bhupindra Jung Basnet , Lecturer, Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Dr. Bhupindra Jung Basnet is an assistant professor at Nepal Commerce Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. Dr. Pandey has completed a PhD from the Faculty of Management, Dean’s Office, Tribhuvan University. Dr. Basnet is currently holding a position of Deputy Director, Master of Business Management Program at Nepal Commerce Campus. He has been involved in the teaching field for 15 years. His expertise is in human resource management. He has published a dozen books and articles in ranked national and international journals and publishers.

How to Cite

Pandey , D. L. ., Risal , N. ., & Basnet , B. J. (2025). ROLE OF WORK ATTITUDES AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN NEPALESE CONTEXT. Bangladesh Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 10(2), 21-28.


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