Concurrency Control in Database Systems

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Dardina Tasmere
Md. Nazmus Salehin


Concurrency control mechanisms including the wait, time-stamp and rollback mechanisms have been briefly discussed. The concepts of validation in optimistic approach are summarized in a detailed view. Various algorithms have been discussed regarding the degree of concurrency and classes of serializability. Practical questions relating arrival rate of transactions have been presented. Performance evaluation of concurrency control algorithms including degree of concurrency and system behavior have been briefly conceptualized. At last, ideas like multidimensional timestamps, relaxation of two-phase locking, system defined prewrites, flexible transactions and adaptability for increasing concurrency have been summarized.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

How to Cite

Tasmere, D., & Salehin, M. N. (2019). Concurrency Control in Database Systems. Bangladesh Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 1(2), 26-40.