Leveraging Technologies to Redefine Business: Technology Perspective

  • B. Vijaya Lakshmi Department of Business Management, Sri Pamavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University)-Tirupati,India
  • B. Ravi Kumar Department of MBA-Amrita Sai Institute of Science and Technology, India
Keywords: Challenges, Opportunities, Role of Fin Techs, Trends.


The disruptors in the financial services industry are rewriting the rules, banks used to perform operations traditionally. The financial services industry known for conservative and resistant to change has been challenged by financial technology (fintech) companies that compete by combining digital technology, social media, and big data analytics to replace traditional models with financial products and services enabled by new technology. The present study is an attempt to portray the Role of Fin Techs, Challenges etc.


Assessment of Disruptive Potential in Financial Services--http://www3.weforum.org/docs/
FinTech – Challenges and Opportunities-- https://www.mckinsey.de
Strategic choices for banks in digital age-- https://www.mckinsey.com
Top 10 fintech trends --https://yourstory.com/2017/11/
Retail Banking Top 10 Trends - http://www.capgemini.com
Finserv Survey - https://www.janeirodigital.com
Financial Trends– https://hcltech.com
TechVision-2018-Tech-Trends-Report – https://www.accenture.com
How to Cite
Lakshmi, B. V., & Kumar, B. R. (2018). Leveraging Technologies to Redefine Business: Technology Perspective. American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 1(3), 1-3. https://doi.org/10.46281/aijmsr.v1i3.187
Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper