Cyclization of Multi Components Reactions and (Preparation, Investigation, Thermal Curves)


  • Nagham Mahmood Aljamali Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Education for Girls, Kufa University, Iraq
  • Nour Abd Alrazzak Abd Allattif Department of Chemistry, College of Science for Women, University of Babylon, Iraq
  • Sabreen Ali Abdalrahman B.Sc in Chemistry , Kufa University , Iraq



Multi Components , Cyclization, Heterocyclic ,Oxadiazole, Imidazole, Thiazole, Oxazole.


Many  cyclic  compounds were  formatted  via  multi  components  reactions and cyclization  reaction  through  many  steps  with ( various   conditions , various  starting  materials , various  components ), in  first  step , aromatic amine derivative  were  reacted  with  ammonium thiocyanate  in cyclization  reaction   to  yield  2-aminobenzothiazole derivative , which  reacted  with  formaldehyde  and  benzaldehyde  as  a multi components   reaction ., then  the  resulting  compounds  cyclized  with ( semicarbazide , ortho-phenyl diamine , ortho-thiol aniline , ortho- amino phenol ). Investigation  of  compounds   carried out   through  many  techniques ( FT.IR , H.NMR , Mass ) – Spectra  , Thermal  studies


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

How to Cite

Cyclization of Multi Components Reactions and (Preparation, Investigation, Thermal Curves). (2018). American International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research, 2(1), 1-12.