The Socio-Cultural History, the Economic and Political Development of the Minority Society: The Case of Benishangul Gumuz (1991-2018)
The study focuses on the Socio-Cultural History and the Econo- Political Development of the Minority Society: The Case of Benishangul Gumuz(1991-2018).The Gumuz of Matakal are renowned for their traditional socio-cultural history, economic and political developments since their arrival to Matakal. They have developed wonderful conflict management strategies and institutions that play important role in harmonizing their relations with the neighboring “ethnic” group, such as the Shinasha, Amhara, Agaw and Oromo. The conflicts differ in their causes, nature, intensity, frequency; yet the peculiarities are often glossed over and depicted as typical inter-ethnic conflicts between the highlanders or “settlers” on one side and the “indigenous “people on the other. Nonetheless, this approach not only risks a presupposition of ethnic groups as cohesive and binding entities but fails to explore the role of Gumuz initiation rituals, rite of passage, discourses of violence and other major socio-cultural events in inspiring and articulating them. So far, there exists no single comprehensive study, in its own right, that tries to map out the nexus between Gumuz perceptions, symbolism, representation and discourses of violence and outbreak of intermittent conflict in the region in time and space (1991-2018). The related literature will be systematically reviewed and relevant information gathered. Furthermore, in-depth interviews will be conducted, with elders from the highlanders, particularly from Amhara, Agaw, Shinasha, Oromo ethnic groups and the Gumuz. The data collected through these methods will be carefully examined, cross-checked, interpreted and analyzed to determine whether there will be any correlation or connection between the Gumuz, discourses of violence and outbreak of conflicts in the study area.
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