Mobile Banking, Digitized Operations, Pandemic, Customer Satisfaction, Security.Abstract
Recently banks have switched their operations from paper to the latest app-based solutions like Mobile banking, Internet banking, etc. that empower the customers to arrive at banks virtually with mobile apps. India posture an enormous challenge in the financial sector with a rise in the latest applications services turns into fresh and essential financial services users anywhere at any time with a single click. It had hitherto developed from conventional business to mobile piloted business. There is no doubt the double hit COVID-19, jumble the people lives, economy, and what not everything has changed. Banks are now working towards digitalized operations to increase customer's digitalized expectations that have been expediting in this pandemic. The main aim of the study is to analyze the impact of the double hit of Covid-19 on the banking sector in providing a digital solution to the mobile banking user. The present study delves for an empirical test of pandemic witnessing the ally of cash with digitalize solutions Indian banker’s customers. The study is planted by descriptive research design with survey method in the form of convenience sampling to collect the data. The intuition of the study prospective fruitful in digitalize financial services, customers digitized expectations, and mobile apps implementation in this viral environment.
JEL Classification Codes: G01, G21, I15, I18, J17.
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