Revisiting the Efficiency of Indian Banking Sector: An Analysis of Comparative Models Through Data Envelopment Analysis

Keywords: Banking, DEA, Efficiency, Ownership.


This study examines the efficiency of the overall Indian banking industry using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and to perform a comparative efficiency analysis of public, private, and foreign banks using six varied forms. Also, providing ranks to the banks based on their efficiency. The study incorporates BCC output-oriented DEA model using a sample of 50 Indian banks (public banks = 17, private banks = 18, foreign banks = 15) for a period ranging from 2009-10 to 2018-19, hence incorporating the after-effects of the financial crisis and demonetization, this study uses panel data from 2009-10 to 2018-19. The results showed that most of the Indian banks fall on the efficient side or are near to full efficiency. However, public banks outperform private and foreign banks in terms of their average efficiency. Results also specify that the performance of banks is sensitive to input-output variables, units under evaluation, and choice of the model. The current study has just focused on the internal factors for analyzing the efficiency of Indian banks; however, certain external factors might also impact the banks’ efficiency.


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How to Cite
Tanwar, J., Seth, H., Vaish, A. K., & Rao, N. V. M. (2020). Revisiting the Efficiency of Indian Banking Sector: An Analysis of Comparative Models Through Data Envelopment Analysis. Indian Journal of Finance and Banking, 4(1), 92-108.
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