An Empirical Evaluation on Performance of Organization through Human Resource Accounting (HRA): A Study on Selected Corporate Units of India
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This study attempts to analyze the importance of Human Resource Accounting (HRA) practices for corporate financial reporting. This paper is both a theoretical and empirical exploration, aimed to some suggestions of new thoughts, methods, techniques and applications of HRA. Various MNCs in the field of HRM provide different types of thought about the practices of personnel management with different systems and aims of financial analysis and reporting. HRM has been and remains one of the most powerful and influential ideas to have emerged in the field of business and management. Effective practices of human resources in the accounting statement can ensure long-term benefits to the employees of the corporations and it also increases quality, performance, values, and commitment to future need. The data of this study was collected from secondary and primary sources from selected corporate units. Very few corporations are practically practices this concept in their accounting and financial report. Some findings and suggestions are addressed in the study that may be the prerequisite for organizational growth and development.
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