Critical Success Factors, Road Constructions Delay, Oman.Abstract
The prime aims of the study to investigates of empirical articles and reviewed on the moderating effects of the regulations, integrations of works and local authorization on the attributes of critical success factors and constructions delay of the road projects in Oman. The study used the empirical literature from the all relevant online sources and data `231 based as many as possible. The findings short listed the consultant related factors, the contractor related factors, designed related factors, client related factors, labor related factors, material related issues, equipment related issues respectively. Moreover, study also summarized that there are moderating effects of the regulations, integrations of works and local authorization on the attributes of critical success factors and constructions delay of the road projects in Oman. The present study recommends doing a conclusive investigation on the above literature gap by real data and justifying above review relationship of moderating effects of the regulations, integrations of works and local authorization on the attributes of critical success factors and constructions delay of the road projects in Oman.
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