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Nowadays, business activities are drastically changing their services through using technology. Moreover, the banking activities are performed in a digitalized way where the customers get better services through online services. Digital marketing is the medium of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other electronic devices to reach consumers. Through using digital technology banks perform billions of transactions to reach the customers in this current competitive market and it helps them to make it easier and shorter and more comfortable. The main objective of the study is to analyze the uses of different types of digital marketing tools of of a private commercial bank limited. This study was quantitative and exploratory in nature. A non-probability convenience sampling method has been used in this study and the employees and experts of private commercial bank limited were the population. Primary data have been used where the primary data were collected from respective respondents through survey questionnaire. The sample size was 100 and Five-point Likert scale has been used where (‘1=strongly agree’ and ‘5= strongly disagree’) in this study. The findings of the research suggests that using digital marketing tools are more effective than any other traditional marketing tools in the bank.
JEL Classification Codes: M38.
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