Long Term Forecasting of International Air Travel Demand in Nigeria (2018-2028)
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This study examines long term forecasting of international air travel demand in Nigeria. Yearly data from 2001 to 2017 were collected from secondary sources. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression was used to forecast the ten years (2018 to 2028) demand for international air passenger travel in Nigeria. The demand for international air passenger in Nigeria from year 2001 to 2017 was compared with the forecast. Calculation reveals that the coefficient of determination R2 is 0.815, while the computed reveals that the coefficient of determination R2 is 0.769, this difference can be attributed to approximations to two decimal places for calculated test. The calculated test and computed test reveals that the error term is minimal and the explanation level is high; hence the prediction or forecast is reliable. The forecast for years 2020, 2025 and 2028 are 5,282,453, 6,342,519, and 6,978,559 respectively which are about 48 percent increase, 78 percent increase, and 95 percent increase respectively from demand in year 2017. The forecast of ten years from year 2018 to year 2028 reveals that there will be more increase in the demand for international air passenger travel in Nigeria. The implication of this increment is that existing air transport infrastructures should be upgraded, and new infrastructures should be procured and installed; airport and airline operations should be reviewed and strategized such that they will meet the expectations of airline and airport users. Other concerned business stakeholders should use this data to plan and invest as there is high tendency for profit making.
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How to Cite
Adeniran, A. O. & Ben, S. O. (2017). Understanding Econometric Modeling: Domestic Air Travel in Nigeria and Implication for Planning Process. Journal of Applied Research in Industrial Engineering, 4(4), 240–251. DOI: 10.22105/riej.2017.97500.1013
Adeniran, A. O & Gbadamosi, K. T. (2017). Concessioning a Strategy for Enhancing Nigeria’s Airport Operational Efficiency - Lessons from Developed Countries. International Journal of Research in Industrial Engineering, 6(3), 228–245. DOI: 10.22105/riej.2017.97500.1013.
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