Earnings Management Practice in Bangladesh

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Ruksana Parvin


This paper detects the existence of Earnings Management (EM) practice in Bangladesh. Total 105 manufacturing companies have been chosen from the different industrial sectors such as pharmaceuticals & chemicals, food & allied, cement, engineering, ceramics, tannery, textile & clothing, paper & printing, jute, fuel & power and miscellaneous. The well-known Beneish M score model has been used in detecting EM. The outcome shows that the percentage of non- manipulator companies is greater than manipulator companies except cement, paper & printing and jute industry. All out 39 % of manufacturing companies are likely manipulator where industry-wise pharmaceuticals & chemicals 28 % , food & allied 42%, cement 80%, engineering 42% , ceramics 0%  , tannery 33% , textile & clothing 40 % , paper & printing 100%, jute 100% , fuel & power 25 % and miscellaneous 17% of manufacturing organizations are likely to be manipulator for 2017. This paper may help the stakeholder for distinguishing between likely and non-likely manipulator companies from the different industrial sectors, making a better decision and formulating policy to reduce the likelihood of manipulation. As Beneish Model is a probabilistic model, it is not unquestionably decisive from the identification that organizations are likely manipulators.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

How to Cite

Parvin, R. (2020). Earnings Management Practice in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Management Future, 4(1), 27-32. https://doi.org/10.46281/ijbmf.v4i1.492


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