Keywords: Level of Acceptance and Preference, Medha-Britti Scholarship Program, Conventional Mode, Virtual Mode, Digital Device.


The students associated with the educational sector are facing a restructuring educational system for being pushed out of school by the elongated countrywide new-normal situation during COVID-19. In this pandemic situation, the virtual mode is welcome in the absence of a face-to-face conventional mode of examination. So, participants' satisfaction, acceptance, and preference of exam mode need to be focused on. This paper addresses the determinants of satisfaction, acceptance, and preference among the students of the Medha-Britthi examination. Data has been collected through a Telephone questionnaire survey from the participants of the school level of Bangladesh at the Maizbhanderi Medha-Britthi (scholarship) examination. The data has been analyzed using SPSS according to their responses on their satisfaction, acceptance & preference of examination mode for the future. The result shows that according to their level of satisfaction, examinee communication, time & cost-effectiveness, and ICT effectiveness, most of the students have preferred the online examination mode for the future. Few students have preferred conventional methods for a lack of digital devices, ICT efficacy, or lack of interest. This study also will take appropriate measures to overcome the barriers faced by the participants so that the preferable mode can be continued in the future.

Author Biographies

Md. Rabiul Hossen, DIRI

Lecturer, Department of English, Nanupur Laila Kabir University College, Bangladesh, and Associate Member, Darul Irfan Research Institute (DIRI), Bangladesh

Shahjada Syed Irfanul Hoque, DIRI

Managing Trustee, Darul Irfan Research Institute (DIRI), Bangladesh, and Maizbhandar Darbar sharif, Fatikchari, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Asif Mahbub Karim, BUME

Professor, FCGIA, Dean, Binary Post Graduate School, Binary University of Management and Entrepreneurship, Malaysia

Dina Arjumand, DIRI

Student, Department of “Urban & Regional Planning”, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, and Associate Member, Darul Irfan Research Institute (DIRI), Bangladesh


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How to Cite
Hossen, M. R., Hoque, S. S. I., Karim, A. M., & Arjumand, D. (2021). A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON STUDENTS’ LEVEL OF ACCEPTANCE AND PREFERENCE OF CONVENTIONAL AND VIRTUAL MODE AT “GAUSUL AZAM MAIZBHANDERI MEDHA-BRITTHI (SCHOLARSHIP EXAM) PROGRAM IN FATIKCHARI, BANGLADESH. American International Journal of Social Science Research, 6(1), 41-51. https://doi.org/10.46281/aijssr.v6i1.1057
Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper