Personality Traits and Financial Strain as Determinants of Gambling Behaviour among Youth in Nigeria: A Case Study of Youths in Oyo State and Ekiti State
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This study aims to assess personality characteristics and financial strain as a determinant of gambling behaviour among youth in Nigeria. Three instruments were used in the study which include Gambling behaviour scale developed by Jeffery (2010) used in measuring prevalence and pattern of gambling behaviour, Big five personality scale developed by Goldberg (1993) used in assessing personality domain of an individual and Financial strain scale developed by Aldana & Liljenquist (1998) used in measuring the rate of financial strain experienced by people. Three hundred and twenty participants (320) were used in this study but two hundred and ninety seven participants (297) responses were retrieved for analysis. Hypotheses were tested using regression analysis and independent t-test and the result were discussed according to literatures. It was concluded from the study that personality characteristics and financial strain predicts gambling behaviour and also there is sex differences in gambling behaviour. As a result of this, it was however recommended that youths are to be trained on how to improve their behavioural attitudes and should be well guided so as to avoid gambling because it has serious effects on their psychological health and overall well-being.
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