Customer Satisfaction on Banking Channels

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Gokul Prasad
Anuradha Arthanar


Satisfaction with banking services is an area of growing interest to researchers and managers.This research  examined  the  survey  responses  of 120 bank  customers  who  provided  information regarding  their  satisfaction towards financial distribution channels with respect to their banks. The study found that there were distinctive segments within the financial market that had significantly different levels of usage of financial distribution channels. Financial customers’ satisfaction with Mobile banking, automated teller machines, credit cards, debit cards, internet banking was  investigated,  and  this  information  was  used  to determine if relationships exist between customer satisfaction and the usage of financial distribution channels. Systematic methodology, including design and validation of questionnaire and factor analysis were used to enhance the reliability of the findings. Further results and implications of the study for financial services are addressed.



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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

How to Cite

Prasad, G., & Arthanar, A. (2017). Customer Satisfaction on Banking Channels. International Journal of Marketing Research Innovation, 1(1), 8-15.


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