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Salim Al Abdali
Abul Bashar Bhuiyan


A strategically effective, hygienic, and healthy environment ensures bringing satisfaction among the employees while a drab, challenging, and competitive atmosphere leaves a seriously poor impact on the employees. At different times, employees are required to face a number of challenges, both operational and organizations where they are essentially expected to invest their best knowledge, skills, and experience, However, in a poorly developed atmosphere an employee basically refuses to invest his or her abilities which ultimately creates challenges for the organization. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the effects of the working environment, motivation and social factors on career performance in Oman. The study used online empirical recourses by the name of working environment, motivation and social factors and career performance in different online database sources such as Google Scholars, Springer Link, Wiley, Science Direct, JSTOR, Emerald full text, Scopus, and EBSCO HOST, etc.  The review findings summarized that maintaining a sophistically impressive working environment basically helps an organization to maintain a good image before the pool of skilled candidates in the market and helping it to acquire the best talents. Moreover, the study also concluded that the majority of the organizations across the globe are focusing on maintaining an effective working atmosphere to keep the employees more engaged to the organization than that of the other and it has a significant role in the comprehensive development of the organization. The findings of the study draw a guideline for future scope of empirical indebt study in the area of the career performance in Oman and the regions.


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Research Paper/Theoretical Paper/Review Paper/Short Communication Paper

Author Biographies

Salim Al Abdali, University of Selangor, Malaysia

PhD Fellow

Faculty of Business and Accountancy

University of Selangor

Shah Alam, Malaysia

Abul Bashar Bhuiyan, University of Selangor, Malaysia

Associate Professor

Faculty of Business and Accountancy

University of Selangor

40000 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

How to Cite

Abdali, S. A., & Bhuiyan, A. B. (2021). THE EMPIRICAL REVIEW ON THE WORKING ENVIRONMENT, MOTIVATION AND SOCIAL ATTRIBUTES ON CAREER PERFORMANCE IN OMAN. International Journal of Business and Management Future, 6(1), 12-25.


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