Invitation for Publishing Thesis in CRIBFB
We are happy to inform you that CRIBFB offers to publish thesis/academic projects
from doctoral/post graduation candidates from global platform to showcase their
valuable work. It is a known fact that dissertations from doctoral/masters/academics
are grey literature that is not easily available in the internet. But, with the help
of CRIBFB, the research and findings from these theses will have a worldwide visibility
and can greatly contribute to their respective fields of creativity.
CRIBFB Journal/publication has open access, which means that your thesis is available to
anyone in the world to download/read for free directly from the website.
Your thesis will be accessible from Google Scholar and Google via Title/Author name etc.
Thesis Submission
The author/lead author will have to fill in
the copyright form and send the same along with the thesis (word format)
through e-mail to All the authors need to specify “Thesis Publication”
in subject line of the email. If you need any further assistance regarding thesis
submission, kindly e-mail us. We will be more than happy to assist you.
Online Thesis Publication Fees
Click Here to Download Recently Published Thesis.